64 Pattern Ruck Bag

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  • Regular price $201.25CAD
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Warrior Gear is home of the famous 64 pattern ruck made by retired Airborne Rigger John Laporte.  This ruck is timeless, tried and tested.  You will not find a better ruck.  Please inquire if there is a colour or material that you are interested in that is not on the list.

All our products are made in house, please allow up to 6 weeks lead time if your order is not in stock.

*Currently experiencing delays in CADPAT items due to material availability

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Francois Bégin

Awesome product, i'm very impressive for the qualité.

John Ryan

Absolutely love the product. It is well made and looks great. Once my order was placed it was shipped out quickly. Great customer service and follow up, will be doing business again with them in the future. Highly recommended!

Leon L
Very well built

Very well built well constructed should get a lot of years of use out of it fits great on a alice pack frame

Kenneth Darby
Great ruck

I got mine to replace a medium ALICE i have been using since my Marine Corps days. Put it on a Downeast 1603 and have been using it as a truck bag to travel light. I wish i had known about this back in the day because i much prefer it to the ALICE ( having a frame makes a big difference. We weren't issued those.).

Jeff Smith
64 Pattern Rucksack

The Warrior Gear 64 Pattern Rucksack & pad set is far superior to the original I was issued in 3Commando. I highly recommend this product as a former JM -PI & MFPI .
I have seen several people comment that they cant find frames, the original frames are hard to find, but remember the ALICE Pack frame replaced the 64 pattern frame, and works well. We called the original a 64 pattern jump ruck, but in reality it was a U.S design used as a lightweight jungle ruck, and like i said replaced by the ALICE pack which is readily available new to this day. We are very happy with Warrior Gear products, so much so that we stock them in our shop !


Valley Guns, Petawawa

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